Planpoint online software for scheduling employees

Workforce scheduling

Create, modify and publish workforce schedules with ease. Create in no time the most optimal planning thanks to smart (and unique) features for both planners and executives

Modern and smart scheduling

Planpoint offers you numerous features and functions to create the best possible xworkforce schedules, every day. Discover some key features here

Planpoit - example of scheduling shifts
Workforce scheduling

Visual and intuitive scheduling

At the heart of Planpoint is a user-friendly and convenient user environment. Create, manage and publish rosters based on employee availability, business requirements and other relevant factors.

Visual notifications, color codes, tooltips and labels support you in creating the best possible employee schedules. Work schedules can be published in a snap, and then accessed by your employees online via smartphone.

Workforce scheduling

Indispensable scheduling functions

With Planpoint, you have a host of (decision supporting) functions that make your job as a planner or manager much easier. This leaves you more time for other essential work.

Find the automatically most suitable employee or shift, check individual skills and availability in real time, schedule across regions, teams or departments, get an overview of open shifts and much more.

Planpoint settings en filters planbord
Workforce scheduling

Customize your schedules

In Planpoint, your schedules and your planning boards can be customized based on your specific planning methodology or work schedule. Always keep an overview of tasks, services, rounds, clients or shifts. No more separate planning software per business unit or department.

Furthermore, each planning board is individually customizable thanks to handy filters, search functions and other display settings. Customize your overview (horizontally or vertically), differentiate by employees or services.

Adherence to rules and legislation in your scheduling
Workforce scheduling

Adherence to rules

Planpoint automatically checks for compliance with rules as you set them. Including legal status regulations, collective bargaining agreements, legislation, or organization-specific agreements on work and working hours. These rules can be flexibly configured per organization and per country. Rules can be set as ‘hard’ (mandatory) or ‘soft’ (recommended) rules.

Possible violations are visible in real time during planning in your planning board – allowing you as a planner to immediately make the best and right decisions.

Planpoint WFM platform

Endless possibilities for your Workforce Management

Combine smart workforce scheduling with supporting solutions such as time tracking, employee management, employee self service and more.

Your workforce schedules and planning in Planpoint?

Have a question? Want to see Planpoint in action? Drop a message. We’ll be in touch for a free demo

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