For many organizations, the location or workplace (room, hall, etc.) of the tasks or services is also very important. Planpoint provides optimal support for your work schedules as well as the allocation of work and people to a workplace.
Planpoint provides digital insight into work, people, equipment and locations. Maximize the occupancy of locations and spaces.
You typically schedule an employee on a task, shift or shift. With workplace scheduling in Planpoint, you can also determine at which of your (physical) locations these activities should take place. Planpoint offers a solution for companies that want to increase productivity and save costs through optimized workplace allocation.
Schedule an employee at a specific workstation, local or branch office. Link specific activities or work to a project, employee and location, from your work schedules. Divide different workstations into a geographic cluster.
With our software, you can easily set occupancy requirements per location and determine the minimum and maximum occupancy for each workstation. The result? A smart and optimized allocation of workstations.
You maintain real-time insight into the occupancy status, so you are immediately aware of situations of over- or under-occupancy in a room or workstation. Add devices or assets. You can even indicate one or more preferred workstations per employee.
Combine smart workforce scheduling with supporting solutions such as time tracking, employee management, employee self service and more.
Please get in touch for a free, no-obligation walkthrough of Planpoint. We’ll show you how Planpoint can enhance your Workforce Management.